Phoenix Remodeling Decoration Construction

We Are Experience Construction Team!

Professional renovation of residential, commercial stores exquisite decoration

Renovation, gardening, cleaning in one step!

Choose P.H home renovation without the hassle!

P.H Remodeling.LLC

HI THERE. WE’RE P.H Remodeling Team

Don't worry about headaches due to long delays in construction schedules. Our work is guaranteed to be on time! With super affordable market prices.

Book a free estimate now and get a 10%off discount

24/7 Emergency Plumber Service

call 626-230-8649

Reasonable prices, high-end service, guaranteed!

Our Plumber’s Experience

Three generations of plumbing family since 1959, specializing in repairing and laying plumbing!

*Sinks and Faucets Repair or Installation

*Shower Head Repair or Installation

*Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water system (and filters) Repair or Installation

*Drain Cleaning or Drain Replacement

*Water Line Repair or Installation

*Main Sewer Lines Repaired or Replaced

*Lift Stations or Sump Pump Repair or Installed

*Pressure Regulator Valve (PRV) Inspections

*Bathtubs and Showers Installation or Repair

*Toilet Repair or Installation

*Garbage Disposal Repair or Installation

Instant Hots

*Water Heaters Repair or Installation

*Energy-Saving Tankless Water Heaters

*Drain Camera Inspection Services

Preventative Maintenance Programs

The Services are as fllows

How we work

Whether you’re in need of a leaky faucet or toilet repair, drain cleaning, or require help selecting the right water heater model to fit your household needs, we are committed to fast service (normally same day) and honest, upfront pricing with no trip charges.

Our cleaning program

Our company offers both household and commercial cleaning services! Fine service, guest first! Super budget cleaning plans, we can order the cleaning plan that best fits your needs. We can clean by the day, weekly cleaning plan, monthly cleaning service plan. airbnb long term cleaning service with cheap price and discount for long term plan.





Plumbing · painting Remodeling






Flooring · Cleaning · landscape